April 21, 2008

The Blizzard sleeps tonight

I still have hope that Blizzard might finally pull their thumbs out of their asses and add some new content. WotLK should have been out ages ago if you consider the original plans for "one expansion each year". I think they are dragging their feet since there is not much in terms of competition from other MMORPGs at the moment. The upcoming releases of Age of Conan and Warhammer Online might trigger some frantic content upgrades by Blizzard.

The current list of known features in WotLK is kind of underwhelming, especially considering the insane amount of money that should be available for the development. Hopefully Blizzard will put some more beef on the table, since 10 new levels worth of content and a single new class are slim pickings when you stretch it out over the amount of time that the content probably has to last for.

There are still tons of areas of WoW lore left to explore, like the Emerald Dream, or the Maelstrom. And the Caverns of Time are the perfect device to replay each and every major encounter of the Warcraft history. I really hope Blizzard switches development into a higher gear soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Kir

I do feel with you, and i have the same feeling as you. i miss you allready. Ill keep my eyes on this blog of yours and love to ready your work. Cya around m8

/DKay Bloodhoof

Dan (Targh) said...

Awesome stuff here matey, very true. I've felt a little bit burned recently - not from raiding, but from not raiding. When not raiding I'm bored. Nothing interests me particularly because I outgear it all.

Decided to get Khefon to 70 and gear him through PVP, and also begun playing a MUD i used to play again - http://www.theforestsedge.com

Keep it up (oo-er!).
