March 18, 2008

Friends list limitations

Why oh why can I only have 50 friends on my friends list? Is Blizzard trying to tell me something? Maybe something in the line of "These are not the friends you are looking for"?

In my opinion the social interface in WoW is too limited for an MMORPG. Limitations like 50 friends or 500 members in a guild? Are you kidding me? You call that Massive Multiplayer? There is no sharing of friends lists between your alts on the same server. And the default interface doesn't even allow you to add notes to your friends or ignored people. In short - the social interface of WoW stinks. These artificial limitations are plain and simple a disgrace for such a great game.

For me the friends list in the default interface is almost completely useless. With the amount of alts my friends have I can barely squeeze in more than a handful of "real people". And even then I have a hard time to remember which real player is linked to which alt.

Luckily the WoW interface is very extendable by addons, but more about that in my next post.

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